Friday, April 2, 2010

We are more than conquerors!

The battle can be won no matter what you are facing today, or what you know you may be facing tomorrow. Romans 8:37 tell us that WE are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Being a conqueror means that you can overcome and win the battle you are in whether it's physical, emotional or spiritual.

I was reminded of this yesterday when I was thinking about how far I have come with the anxiety and panic that I used to suffer with. It was pretty bad and to the point where sitting in a restaurant, being at a social event, or going to the mall was a big deal. The fear of the panic attacks kept me home and the daily feeling of being anxious was awful. I began to explore the Word to find out what God had to say about being anxious and fearful, and it was there in the Word, that I found freedom. When I began to understand that I am what the Word says I am, I became a conqueror. That doesn't mean I don't deal with things, but it does mean that the paralyzing fear that kept me from enjoying my life is gone. Praise God!

Friends you may not deal with the whole anxiety/panic issues, but no matter what situation you are dealing with or facing, God is with you. Don't let stress and worry have the upper hand in your life. Remember that it's because of Christ who loved us enough to give His life for you and me, that we have the power to be conquerors in every obstacle that comes our way! Have a Happy Easter everyone and remember to always walk in love and speak in peace.


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