Friday, December 24, 2010

For Unto Us A Child Is Born

I absolutely love Christmas! It is by far my favorite holiday because this day is when our Savior came into the world and gave us hope. There is something so special about the feeling of Christmas that no one, whether Christian or not, can deny. People seem noticeably kinder, happier and more generous around this time of the year than any other, and whether they know it or not, they are showing the heart of Jesus. I know there are some who let the busyness of Christmas get to them, and I myself have been guilty of that, but I made it a point this year to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. While I do love shopping and wrapping presents, I know the gift we received when Jesus was born outweighs anything we will ever open up on Christmas morning.

To fully understand the love God had, and still has, for us to send His Son into this world for you and me is beyond my comprehension. In Philippians 2:6-8 the Bible says, "Who(Jesus), being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped (used to His own advantage), but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" It's very clear here that Jesus began sacrificing for us before His crucifixion. This to me, is what Christmas is all about - God showing His love to the world by giving us a Savior.

As you continue to enjoy the Christmas season, let's not forget that sharing the good news of Jesus is something we can give to others everyday. Merry Christmas everyone and remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Let Us Give Thanks To God!

As I think about Thanksgiving, I naturally start to think of all the things I am thankful for. Sometimes it was easy for me to say thank you and Amen, but years ago, when I realized that I am desperate every second of the day,and it's God who holds my every moment in His hand, being thankful took on a whole new meaning for me. I understood I didn't earn or deserve anything I have. These blessings in my life were all freely given to me daily by God's grace made possible through Christ. I didn't do enough of good works, and I couldn't buy them because the value of my relationship with Christ, my family, our health, happiness, and safety is priceless. I just simply received what God does best, which is taking delight in blessing His children.

For many years now I have made it a habit to thank God first for all that He has done in my life, what He is currently doing, and for the things He will continue to do. I purposely do this before I ask Him for something because I don't want to take anything for granted, and because I believe it honors God when we recognize His goodness. God is our Father and for those of you that are parents, I am sure you love it when your children come to you and thank you for something you have done for them. I know I love it when Dalton comes up to me and says thank you. Not only does it make me feel appreciated, but it also makes me want to continue giving to him because of his thankful heart. I believe this works the same way for us when we go to God and express our thankfulness.

Philippians 4:6 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. I love this because to me, this is saying to ask God for what you want, but first come to Him with the attitude of being thankful. Today as you reflect on all that you are thankful for, let's not forget that God makes these things possible for us every day.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Speak Life!

I was shopping a few weeks ago at a new store that recently opened, and as I was browsing around, I happened to notice a lady that was near by. We were both looking at the same item, and I smiled and said hello. We got to chatting a bit, and she began to tell me how her husband is sick with various illnesses, and cancer was one of them. She explained that it doesn't look very good. I told her how sorry I was to hear of this, and how I will pray that all goes well. What really amazed me was her response. She looked at me so cheerfully and said, "I am going to be thankful for the good times we had together." I thought how awesome it was for this lady to choose to look on the bright side of a situation that may possibly result in the death of her husband.

Her attitude was a reminder to me of how we need to speak life to our circumstances no matter how mild or extreme they may be. I understand how hard that can be, especially when you're upset. There was an issue I had to deal with 2 weeks ago, and I didn't feel like being positive because this particular issue was not going to go my way. I was frustrated and I wanted to say negative things, but I began to realize that some of the things I wanted to say were completely out of anger and not what I really meant. Before I said another word, I stopped and thought about how it honors God when we speak in faith, especially during the times of turmoil. What better way to show God how we trust Him when we can praise Him in the midst of our troubles. That's what I chose to do this time - again, not that it was easy. I can clearly remember tears filling my eyes as I decided to go against how I was feeling by choosing to speak in faith. I started by speaking out loud what I knew was true according to God's Word, the scriptures I know and claim for my life. It's great if you have scriptures that you can speak out loud, but even something simple like saying, "I may be hurting and struggling right now, but I am not always going to be because I will get through this" is fine. Something that simple can begin to change your whole outlook because when you speak positive you are actually beginning to change your mind, even if you don't feel anything at first. I can honestly say that after that night, I was not tormented again with negativity for that particular issue. My feelings caught up with what I was saying, and I felt completely free from the bondage of anger.

Proverbs 18:21 tells us that the power of life and death is in the tongue. I firmly believe that our words have power, and that we can avoid emotional meltdowns by speaking positive. I have met people that will go through hardships and they say,"Oh, well that's my luck so no wonder this happened to me." I think to myself you can't be serious! What can one do with an attitude like that? These people set themselves up for disappointments because they already subliminally decided that nothing good can ever happen to them. Then there are those, like the lady I met, that speaks life. She is fully aware that she may lose her husband and instead of being bitter, she is choosing to see the good by reflecting on the blessings she has been given so far. I am sure she has her moments of grief, and rightfully so, but what a wonderful outlook she has. It's actually contagious because her attitude spoke to me, and now it's speaking to all of you reading this. I'm sure there are many of you going through difficult situations that you simply can't see the good in, but here again you have the choice to speak life, no matter what it is. As believer's, when we praise God and say that our steps are ordered by the Lord, and that all things work together for good to those that love God, we need to believe that in the good times and the bad.

I also believe that there are many people who shy away from being positive because they feel they are being unrealistic. There is a difference between being positive and being unrealistic, and it's important not to get out of balance with this. For example, if I have a cold and it's obvious that I am not well, I would look foolish if I said I wasn't sick. What I could say is that yes I am under the weather, but I believe that I will get better. Being positive doesn't mean that you are oblivious to reality, or that you don't feel the hurt, it's acknowledging the situation in its entirety and choosing to believe that you will be okay no matter the outcome. I would rather be positive and hope for the best, then negative and depressed over an outcome I don't even know of yet. Even if the result isn't what we want, let's not forget that we have a God who is bigger than anything we are facing today or will ever face in our lifetime, and He takes care of us. Let's choose to believe together that God's best is for us.

Have a great day everyone and remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Thursday, October 21, 2010


Since the beginning of the year, Kevin and I have had the privilege of being table leaders at the Alpha course offered at our church. For those of you not familiar with Alpha, it is a 10 week program held once a week and designed to help people explore the Christian faith. We have a speaker and afterward a discussion time for all at our table to share their beliefs and ask questions. Those at our table come from all different backgrounds and life situations. Many we see are either searching for something more, want a new direction in life, or are simply broken due to the result of past hurts from others or their own decisions. In addition to our weekly meeting, there is a weekend away known as the Alpha Retreat. When I decided to write about this incredible, life changing experience, the only word that kept coming to my mind was transformation. One of the definitions of transformation is change in appearance or character. I have to say that Kevin and I experienced that very thing this past weekend while on the retreat. Lives of many people were transformed in such a powerful way that you just knew the restoration, that only God can give, was upon them. We have truly been blessed by all of the people we have met so far at Alpha, and what a joyous moment it is to witness healing, whether physical or emotional, in those that didn't think it was possible to be whole again. Truth is, God gives hope to the hopeless. He makes all things new, and meets us right where we are at. He doesn't ask where we've been, but by His amazing grace, He lovingly embraces us as we choose to begin a new journey with Him.

This also brings to mind that transformation isn't just for those that are beginning their new life with God, but for us as believers in our daily walk. I think that same desire to change for the better still needs to be just as strong after we decide to follow Christ. After all, we want our light to shine so others can see the love of Christ in us. Sometimes depending on the situation, that's not always easy; however, 2 Corinthians 5:20 says, "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God." As ambassadors we have a responsibility to continue to walk out the faith we claim to have. Although we are not expected to be perfect, we do need to at least make a conscious effort. I don't know about you, but I for one have areas that I need to constantly work at in my life. For many of us it's changes like patience while standing in line, with our kids, or our spouses. Other areas may be with controlling our tempers, or extending forgiveness. No matter what it is, we should continually want to grow spiritually. Change isn't always easy, but definitely worth it and humbling, when you see others want to live better because of your example.

To any of our friends from Alpha that are reading this blog, I want you to know how much Kevin and I love you. May God continue to bless you abundantly in all areas of your life.

Have a great day everyone, and remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Refuse to be Defeated!

I say refuse to be defeated because did you know it's a choice? When life happens and you're faced with a circumstance you don't like, whether brought on by a bad choice or something you had no control of, living in defeat is not your only option. Your circumstance does not control your happiness, you do. I am convinced that no matter what you are dealing with, there can be something positive right in the midst of your troubles, if you choose to see it. I speak from experience because had I not decided to look for the good in those times when I honestly didn't know how I was going to make it through the day, I wouldn't be able to tell you that there is victory when you dare take a chance to look for something positive instead of convincing yourself that you're hopeless. No one is a hopeless case, especially for those of us that know we belong to Christ. We have a God that is more powerful than any issue we are facing today or will ever face in our lifetime. Depending on what you are going through, the good may not be clear to you right away. I can understand that, especially those days when I felt as though I couldn't function because of the fear, worry, panic cycle I was on. I didn't see how anything good was in that, but looking back I can see the good because it was during that time that I got closer to God than ever before. As that relationship with Him strengthened, so did I. See when you are so far down and you realize that you have no one else to turn to but God, you will get to know Him real well. The best part is when you get to the other side of your problems realizing that the only way you made it through was because of God's sovereign grace. That's when His goodness becomes crystal clear. I remember feeling so strengthened and restored. I trusted God in a whole new way, and in addition to that, doors of opportunity have been opened for me which would not have been possible if I didn't go through those tough times. Yet, in order to experience all of this, I first had to choose to want to face and overcome the challenges I was dealing with.

I believe too many times when people are in a bad situation because of something wrong that they did, they run from God because of guilt instead of seeking Him for help. Truth is, we are His children so why not come to Him just like we would run to our parents if we needed help. He loves us and we are no shock to Him. He knew you long before your troubles. Furthermore, when God sees us take a step of faith by believing that He can take us through our hardships, His grace and mercy is there for us to simply receive. I am reminded of the story in Matthew 15:22-28 that speaks of a Canaanite woman that came to Jesus, crying and asking Him to have mercy on her and to heal her daughter. After asking for help, Jesus replied to her, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." After hearing this the woman knelt down and said again, "Lord, help me." He then replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread, and toss it to their dogs." With that she replied, "Yes, Lord but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." I love this story because here I believe it's obvious that Jesus is testing this woman's faith, and what tenacity she had! If you notice, the woman first said to Jesus, "Have mercy on me." It doesn't say why she needed it, but instead of being defeated by guilt, she asked for mercy and then for Jesus to heal her daughter. We need to do that! Don't let guilt be a barrier between you and God. Admit what you did wrong and then ask for help no matter how bad your situation is. This woman knew it didn't look good for her daughter; however, defeat was no longer an option for her. By faith, she went to Jesus for healing because of who she knew He was, and with that she wasn't going to take no for an answer. I believe we need that type of boldness with our faith. We don't have to bow down to defeat, anxiety, depression, guilt or any type of condemnation because no matter how bad things look in the natural, we have a God in the spiritual realm that can make all things new for you and me!

Have a great day everyone and remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Freedom in Forgiveness

I have come to understand that when you forgive someone, no matter who is at fault, you set yourself free. What I mean by that is when you decide to let go of anger and bitterness you feel towards another person, you're not just letting them off the hook, you are freeing yourself from physical and spiritual harm. It's a fact that holding a grudge can cause many different types of health issues like high blood pressure, depression, and it can even weaken your immune system making you susceptible to certain illnesses. Spiritually, unforgiveness can hinder you from receiving from God. In Matthew 6:15 Jesus says, "But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Just to be clear, this is not talking about salvation, as that is yours when you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. This is saying forgiveness is a part of serving God, and that we all need God's forgiveness since we are not perfect; therefore, we also need to forgive others as God forgives us when we fall short. I'm not saying that it's easy, but it is something that God wants us to do. Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. I believe that can be hard for people to understand because when you're angry with someone and really hurt, the last thing you feel like doing is forgiving them because it seems like they are just getting away with what they have done. You want them to pay for what they have done, but keep in mind that when you decide to forgive, you're not saying that the person who hurt you is not at fault. What you're saying is that even though they did what they did, you are going to make a choice to forgive them and the rest is up to God.

I heard an amazing message on this subject not too long ago by R.T. Kendall. I listened to his message about how forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. It is actually you letting go and freeing yourself from the bondage of anger and torment over an issue that happened, and can't be changed. I know this freedom because I experienced it. Some years ago, I was hurt so badly by someone that I considered a friend. The betrayal and anger that I felt consumed most of my days and even at night when I would try to sleep. I just couldn't believe someone would lie and take advantage of me the way this person did. The anger I was feeling was interfering in different areas of my life. I didn't want it, yet I wasn't sure how to get rid of these feelings. I kept thinking how wrong this was, and that she shouldn't be allowed to get away with this. I began to pray about it and I didn't quite expect to get the answer that I got from God, which was to call this person and tell her that I just want to make peace and let go of whatever it was that went wrong between us. I was thinking, God you have to be kidding me! I thought He was going to tell me how He wants me to "in a Godly way" get back at her! I should have know better, because that's not God at all. We can get so wrapped up in our emotions, can't we? God doesn't need my help when dealing with someone else, and I have to admit as I was looking to God for help with this, He also showed me areas where I could have done things a little differently with this particular situation. Even so, I still didn't think I should be the one to have to call, so I waited a couple of weeks just in case there was a chance that God would change His mind. Well within those weeks, I would think about the issue pretty often. I would feel that anger stirring up inside, and right away the Holy Spirit reminded me that if I wanted freedom from this, I had to call her. I finally got the hint that God is smarter than me, and I knew I needed to be obedient. I also realized that God doesn't ever ask you to do anything that you are not capable of. It would not make sense for Jesus to have given the command to forgive if it was beyond our capabilities. I believe another reason God wants us to forgive is because He wants us to be in line with His Word, and to receive fully from Him. God delights in blessing His children, and He looks for those who are obedient. I wanted to be obedient so I called my friend and told her that what happened between us all those months ago, I am letting go of. I told her it doesn't matter who is to blame, I just want us to forget it and put it behind us. I could tell she was somewhat shocked as she didn't really say too much, except that she agreed with what I was saying. Surprisingly, I really didn't think about what her response was going to be to me. At the time, it just felt really good to say what I had to say, because no matter what her response would have been, I already made my decision to forgive. God, who is always faithful to His Word, freed me that day. To this very day, I have yet to get angry when I think about that issue, which I hardly ever think about. I have no problem praying for her, or even when I run into her from time to time, I can talk to her with a clear conscience because there are no bitter feelings that I am harboring. From that day, I even stopped talking about how bad she hurt me to my husband. I just completely gave this to God and trusted Him. There was money involved in this particular situation, and I didn't get a dime of it back, but I didn't care. My peace of mind was worth 100 times the money that she owed me. Did it mean that I didn't feel the hurt? No. Did I think that she wasn't wrong anymore? Absolutely not. But it wasn't about that, it was about me moving on and taking a step of faith. This is why it's important to realize that forgiveness is not based on feelings. It can be done no matter what you have been through. I of course realize that I don't know what your hurts have been like. I do know many people that have been hurt by others in ways that I can't even compare with, and I can tell you that when they chose to forgive, they did it while they still felt the pain. The good news is that when they make the decision to forgive, the torment from anger and bitterness started to fade, and true healing began. I know they, like myself, am happy today that we chose God's way. It's always worth it to obey God.

If you read this and someone immediately came to your mind that you need to forgive, do it! What have you got to lose? The answer is nothing. In fact you have everything to gain - complete freedom, peace of mind, and a closer relationship with God. Sure sounds worth it to me!

Have a great day everyone, and remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Freedom in Christ

As my family and I recently celebrated the 4th of July, I was reminded that not only do we have the privilege of freedom here in America, but we also have an unending freedom in Christ. We can be confident in knowing that we do not have to be bound to anxiety, worry, depression and fear. With the challenges that life can throw at us, it's very easy to see how one can get entangled in these emotions, but they don't have to be a daily part of your life. I think most people are so used to being stressed out that if they feel at peace they wonder what's wrong! I know that was definitely true for me at one time, but that is not the way we are to be. Galatians 5:1 says: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." When I began to get a hold of scripture like this, that's when I became free from the bondage of all that anxiety was throwing at me. That didn't mean I didn't feel the fear, it means that I felt the fear and continued to believe that through Christ I am an over comer. I believe in any situation you face, no matter what, you can get through it victoriously if you continue to speak what God says about you - even when you don't feel like it. Say you lost your job. You probably wouldn't be thrilled about this but instead of saying, "Well, with my luck it's no surprise" or "What will I do? I am going to lose everything I have", you could say "I don't know why this happened, but I know that my steps are ordered by the Lord and He is going to take care of me". It can be hard to do this when you feel like your world is falling apart, but look at it this way, you may as well be positive because you are going to go through the difficult situation anyway so why not put your faith in God and get a blessing out of it. I remember times when I was so overwhelmed with fear and worry about things. I constantly felt defeated and was far from feeling like an over comer, but I kept saying over and over to myself what God's Word said that I am, and He said that I am an over comer and that His perfect love casts out fear. He also said that He has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Today, I am glad that I didn't say what I felt like, but what I knew. My feelings caught up with what I was speaking and I found freedom. That same freedom can be yours.

Friends, Jesus didn't die for us so we could be an emotional mess, He died so we can have peace of the assurance of Heaven, and peace while we are on the journey to get there. I love it when He said in John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

Have a great day everyone and remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

They are listening!

For those of you that are parents, I am sure you wonder from time to time if your kids are really getting all of the good things you are trying to instill in them. I have been wondering about this lately, and yesterday I got my answer. Most of you probably know that my 12 yr. old son, Dalton, had an accident on his bike Monday night and injured his wrist. It didn't seem bad at first, he even continued to ride his bike for the rest of the night, and he went to school the next morning like normal. Around 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon, I got a call from the school nurse and she said Dalton's wrist is a little swollen and she feels we should have it looked at. I of course went and picked him up right away and I could tell he looked a little frightened. He was mainly afraid because he heard the school nurse say that his wrist could be broken. I didn't really say much at the time because I figured I would try to console him once we walked outside. Before I had a chance to say anything he said to me, "Mom, can we pray tonight that God will heal my hand." I told him that we don't have to wait until tonight - we can do it right here in the car. I explained that God hears us at all times no matter where we are. That was such an amazing experience. I pray with Dalton everyday, and I assume that he is paying attention, but today I knew he was. He had a specific need, and he knew to turn to God for help. My heart was so filled with joy because he was fully aware that God is our Healer. Kevin and I make it a point to teach him about God's love, and to see him grasping that was so fulfilling.

This was such a blessing to me, it was like God was letting me know that I am going in the right direction as a parent. So, the next time you wonder if your kids are getting it, they are. The examples that we set for our children through our actions and teachings are so important because they are watching and listening. You don't have to be perfect, but I recommend as parents, that we continually pray for God to mold and shape us into the parents He wants us to be.

Good night everyone and remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Monday, May 24, 2010


This weekend Kevin and I, while at the Alpha retreat, had the opportunity to get baptized. Both of us had been baptized before, but never fully immersed. How awesome it was to do this with my best friend, plus having it done by two wonderful men of God, Pastor Joe Castronova and Joe McCade. You guys are the best and words can't describe what the two of you mean to Kevin and I.

In addition to us getting baptized, 5 out of the 6 people in our group decided to do it as well. 1 of those 6 actually gave his life to Christ the day before. God is so good. This retreat will be one that I will treasure in my heart forever.

Good night everyone and remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

As I think about Mother's Day, I am reminded of how amazing my Mom is. I truly appreciate all that she does for our family everyday,and what she has done for me all my life and continues to do. I can't help but feel blessed when these things come to mind. She has always given my brother and I nothing but her best and then some. I see her doing the same thing with Dalton, and believe me when I say that she is a proud Grandma! When I need her to help out with Dalton there is no hesitation, or when I simply need someone to talk to, her ears are open. I am also reminded of my Grandma as well. She will be 81 this year and is still more loving than ever. Dalton is her pride and joy and has dinner with both of his Great Grandparents at least once a week.

As a Mom I understand that even the basic day to day things that we provide for our kids show love. A clean home, meals, laundry, help with school work are all done because we love our children. I think it's great, as Dalton is getting older, when he thanks me for doing little things around the house that I didn't expect to get thanked for. As moms we understand that there are a lot of "behind the scenes" planning that has to be done for everything to look perfect on the exterior, and it's nice when it's recognized.

Moms, I encourage you to always enjoy your children right where they are no matter what age or stage they are in. The years go by so quick and you can't get the time back. I also believe it's important for us to thank our Moms often not just on Mother's Day. I know there are many of you that wish you had the opportunity to do so, but can't. I see that with Kevin, and Mother's Day can be difficult for those without their Moms around to thank. The good news is that the memories are always there and are kept alive by those that are without. I love it when Kevin shares stories about Beverly with Dalton and I. He is so enthusiastic making it seem like those memories were just made yesterday. His smile is a reflection of memories made because of a great Mom. I don't know about you, but I want to be that type of Mom who gives so much joy and love to my child that he can't help but smile when he thinks about me.

Happy Mother's Day everyone, and remember to always walk in love and speak in peace.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Today Is Yours!

Isn't it something when you think about how today was made just for you? When you get out of bed you are stepping into a new day that was already planned specifically for you. Every morning before I get out of bed, I recite Psalm 118:24, "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." I purposely say this before my feet hit the floor. It's my way of telling God that before I take one step into this new day I am acknowledging that it's by His grace I am here to see another morning He made, and that no matter what happens to me today, He's got me - there's no need to fear or worry.

We were all created for a reason and have a purpose. Every day is a new day to be an encouragement and a blessing to someone else. I love to look for those opportunities. If you noticed, I said I have to look. Opportunities like that don't always jump out at you, so sometimes you have to look on purpose. I know the busyness of life can certainly take our focus off of what's going on around us, but I think it's sad when we just go on day by day not realizing that each day is a gift. I don't want to look back at the days that have gone by and say that I was just busy. I want to remember the "on purpose" opportunities that made a difference in someone else's life. The busyness of life will eventually fade away, but the difference made in someone else's life is forever. In addition to helping and showing love to others, each new day is a brand new start for you to forget the past and move on into a new beginning. Don't beat yourself up when you feel like your day went wrong. We all have those days. Maybe you made the wrong choice or said something you shouldn't have. The best way to get over that is to admit what you've done, ask for forgiveness, take your mind off yourself and go be a blessing. In Lamentations 3:22-23 the Bible tells us how God's great love and compassions are new every morning. I don't know about you, but I am sure glad that it is!

Enjoy YOUR day everyone and remember to always walk in love and speak in peace.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In Loving Memory of Beverly Southam

12 years ago today, my husband Kevin, lost his Mom to cancer. When Kevin and I started dating, she was in remission from breast cancer. When Beverly and I first met, we immediately developed a friendship. Not long after Kevin and I were married and expecting a baby, the cancer had come back in her lungs, bones and brain. I was 8 mos. pregnant with Dalton when she called to tell Kevin that she received the report from the doctor and only had a few months to live. I can very clearly remember that evening in Feb'98. It was devastating as you can imagine.

Shortly after we heard the news, we went to visit Kevin's parents in Lebanon. There was a time during the visit when Kevin went outside with his dad, and it was just Beverly and I along with the neighbor lady sitting in the living room. I won't ever forget when Beverly came over to me and put her hand on my stomach for just a moment. She then turned around and sat back down on the sofa and said, "I don't want to go, but I'm ready to go. It's just with the baby...." She didn't say anymore after that. I knew she was thinking that she may not make it to see her new grandchild. On March 24, 1998 Dalton arrived and I am happy to say that she did get to see him and hold him. Dalton had to be in the NICU for a little while and we could only have 4 people on our visitor's list. We of course included Beverly. Due to her condition she was told not to walk long distances, but one day while coming back to the hospital to see Dalton, she had to park pretty far away in an overflow parking lot (this was before Women and Babies of Lancaster existed). Although she knew how far she had to go that didn't stop her! She walked as far as she possibly could before collapsing in the lobby. She was given a wheelchair and then she continued on to get to Dalton. I thank God for letting her see her grandson. An example of how caring and unselfish she was, she actually said that my brother could take her place on the list since she may not be able to come back to see Dalton again. I believe that would have been an extremely difficult decision for her to make especially since she knew her time with Dalton was limited and she was concerned for his medical condition. All she wanted was to make sure he came out of the NICU as a healthy baby. He did come out of the NICU healthy and strong on April 4, 1998. Beverly was made aware of this, and 3 days later she passed away at home. We were later told that one of the reasons she hung on so long was to make sure Dalton had a clean bill of health and was able to come home.

I wanted to honor Beverly's life today by writing about how amazing she was. She was a very determined, independent woman who loved her 4 children and grandchildren. I see that determination every time I look at my sister-in-law, Liz. Another thing I know for sure is that Beverly loved the Lord. I don't have the answers as to why she had to leave this earth so soon, but I do know that she is not gone from us forever. Her suffering is over and she is in Heaven where we will meet again.

Author unknown, "Christians don't die, they just say goodbye."


Monday, April 5, 2010

He is Risen!

What great news! Yesterday on Easter Sunday, I was thinking about how Jesus came to earth, sacrificed His life, and saved us from eternal condemnation. During that time I was reminded how Jesus "freely" gave His life. To freely give means that you give on purpose. Even though Jesus could have stopped what was happening to Him, He purposely didn't because He decided that we were worth it even though we were yet sinners. He saw what we could be and looked past the darkness we were displaying.

It's easy to give to those that are good to us, but I wonder how many of us "freely" give to that person who isn't very kind, or the person that we think doesn't deserve a blessing because they are always in trouble, or not going in the right direction we think they should be going in? The Bible tells us in Mark 2:17 that Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." It's those people that you need to say a kind word to or give a listening ear. They have been put in your path for a reason, and what you sow in their lives could be life changing. Don't look the other way when you see them in need, or ask how they are doing and walk away before you hear their answer. Make a difference by being the light in their lives. No matter what you think about them, they are God's creation and He loves them. We all have value and a purpose.

I hope you all had a Happy Easter! Remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Friday, April 2, 2010

We are more than conquerors!

The battle can be won no matter what you are facing today, or what you know you may be facing tomorrow. Romans 8:37 tell us that WE are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Being a conqueror means that you can overcome and win the battle you are in whether it's physical, emotional or spiritual.

I was reminded of this yesterday when I was thinking about how far I have come with the anxiety and panic that I used to suffer with. It was pretty bad and to the point where sitting in a restaurant, being at a social event, or going to the mall was a big deal. The fear of the panic attacks kept me home and the daily feeling of being anxious was awful. I began to explore the Word to find out what God had to say about being anxious and fearful, and it was there in the Word, that I found freedom. When I began to understand that I am what the Word says I am, I became a conqueror. That doesn't mean I don't deal with things, but it does mean that the paralyzing fear that kept me from enjoying my life is gone. Praise God!

Friends you may not deal with the whole anxiety/panic issues, but no matter what situation you are dealing with or facing, God is with you. Don't let stress and worry have the upper hand in your life. Remember that it's because of Christ who loved us enough to give His life for you and me, that we have the power to be conquerors in every obstacle that comes our way! Have a Happy Easter everyone and remember to always walk in love and speak in peace.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

He is with us!

Isn't it a great thing to know that no matter where you are, what you do, or what you are going through, God is with you! I have always had a general sense of this, but I was pleasantly reminded of this last week during a pretty overwhelming time. It was going to be an incredibly busy week for me, and I remember waking up one morning thinking about all the things I needed to have done by the weeks end. I was mainly wondering how I will get everything done. As I laid in bed trying to figure this out, I could feel the tension starting to build on my shoulders. I guess somewhere in between the thoughts of "What am I going to do, and how will I do this?" I heard something. I heard birds singing. I immediately thought about one of my favorite verses. Matthew 6:26 reads, "Look at the birds of the air, they neither sow nor reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable then they?" It was then that I realized that if God can take care of the birds and supply all of their needs, then He can do the same for me. It's such an awesome thing to know that no matter what is ahead, you are not alone. God can meet you right where you're at and He delights in doing so.

Have a great day everyone and remember to walk in love and speak in peace.


Saturday, March 20, 2010


It amazes me how our little acts of kindness to others, can make a huge impact in their lives. A few days ago my mom shared a really powerful story that reminded me of how important it is to be a blessing to all that come my way. My mom owns a gift shop in town and about a year ago, there was a lady that walked in and wanted to buy a pink hat. As this lady was looking at the item, she said to my mom that she normally doesn't wear hats, but she is soon going to need it. Mom could have easily ignored her, but instead she asked her why she would be needing it soon. This opened up the opportunity for this lady to explain that she had cancer and was going to start treatments, which would make her lose her hair. Filled with compassion for this woman, mom wouldn't allow her to pay for the hat and just gave it to her. The lady was so touched that a total stranger would do this for her. After speaking with mom for awhile, she left the store. Even though mom didn't know if she would ever see her again or ever know the turnout, she went home that day and prayed for this woman. She actually prayed for her several different times.

Well, about 5 days ago as mom was working a woman walked up to her and said, "Hi, honey do you remember me?" Mom didn't know who she was, so the lady said, "It's me, I was in your store a year ago and you gave me a free hat." Mom then knew exactly who she was. This lady was so excited to tell mom that she is now cancer free, and to show her that she has all of her beautiful hair back! She even pulled on her hair and said, "Look, it's mine." The main reason she came into the store was because she remembered mom's kindness to her. She told mom over and over again how she is her "guardian angel" and that she tells everyone how her "guardian angel" has been with her through her whole journey. She also said, "I remember when you told me that you would pray for me. I knew that you were because I could feel it." She then blew mom a kiss and left. What an amazing story!

It's so important to realize that being a blessing to someone doesn't have to be about money. Sometimes it's your smile, your time or in this case a listening ear and a $6 hat. The cool thing with blessings is that they don't only impact the person who receives the blessing, but it also changes the life of the person who gave it, when they see the difference they made. May God Bless you and keep showing you how to BE the difference.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


How it makes a difference in your life and in the world! I decided a little while back that I am not going to let the negative attitudes of others ruin any of my days. It’s so easy to let another person’s attitude affect your happiness. I can remember times I would start off my day in a happy mood and I would be thinking about different things I want to do or get involved in, and then something negative would come along and steal my joy. For example, every once in awhile at work I will take a call from a customer who is not very friendly, or there are times when a friend or family member may be in a bad mood and they call me up telling me how wrong everything is. Now if a friend wants to vent to me, fine. I am here to listen, and I love to be an encouragement; however, I realized that if I got too emotionally attached to the matter, I began to not only fuel their fire by speaking negatively with them, but I started one of my own inside. I started to notice that after hearing upsetting news from others, or speaking to the not so friendly customer on the phone, that I would immediately think, “Well they just took away my moment of happiness.” Truth is no one steals your happiness or your joy at any time unless you let them. Now I know it’s not always easy depending on the situation of course, and we all have emotions which we’re allowed; however, I began to understand that I can choose whether or not to react to those emotions.

I look at it like this, if I don’t have a responsibility in the matter then I don’t need to have or express my opinion, or carry a burden that is not mine. When a difficult person that you interact with at the grocery store, mall, work, etc. comes your way and they are acting up, just let them be them. Don’t take part in their bitter and brokenness because first, there is a reason they are that way, and second, by you treating them the same way how is your light shining? Actually your kindness will sow a seed in their lives, which is far better for them and you, instead of petty words that are worthless in the end. I can tell you that when you hold your tongue, even when it’s difficult, you will look back at the end of the day, thankful, that you kept the right attitude. Furthermore, we can make a decision that our happiness is not dependent upon other people and their mood for the day. It’s our decision as to whether we are going to keep our joy and for how long.

One of my favorite quotes by Helen Keller is, “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”

Have a great day everyone!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Post!

Hello everyone,

This is my first post on my new blog. I have been wanting to do this for a long time, and am glad to have finally started. Can't promise how frequently I will post, but it is my goal to post as much as possible. As you all know, life can be pretty busy at times, but I am determined to find a healthy balance.

Ever have one of those days where it seems more went wrong then right? I hear you loud and clear. Today I was reminded that even though everything in my day wasn't perfect, I can still choose to reflect on the positive things that happened. My light will still shine and a smile will be upon my face whether sharing it with a friend or a stranger. I believe it is so important, no matter how small, to always focus on the good things that happen in our daily walk. The negative always leads us astray and takes the focus away from the good things we have now, and what could be.
